A Message From Sam

January 1, 2006  (Re-launched after completely revamped. Originally founded in 2002)

Welcome, friends and strangers alike!  Thanks for taking the time.

This is where I rave and rant about things I've observed in life. They represent my most candid and uncensored thoughts and viewpoints. If you're hyper-sensitive and easily offended, please read my introduction, for explanations and warnings.

In a hurry?  May I suggest this 1-page sampling in my typical tone and style.

Some materials are based on actual correspondence, which I later elaborated on and polished up. Others are inspired by specific events. The rest are philosophical items I have been pondering upon and passionate about.

A word on my endeavors: At this venue, I favor direct over subtle, functions over form, clarity over eloquence, brevity over depth, and provocative over polite. I refine my works relentlessly to minimize the time imposed on the readers, while maximizing the ideas conveyed and avoiding any over-simplification.

Most of you discovered this by chance. If you're sent here by me, I respectfully request that you do not feel obligated to compliment. Such routine dialogs amount to imposition on both of us. Should you actually feel compelled to comment, your messages need not be elaborate nor profound. All genuine comments are greatly appreciated.

Thank you and enjoy!


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